2015. december 13., vasárnap

I could use second opinion please :/

I went over to another guys house to "play Xbox" and ended up staying the night and fooling around a bit. Let's call him Mark invites me back two days later to "Play Xbox " again and we both talked so much I felt like I clicked with him enough to try anal for the first time. He didn't get very far before (couple thrusts) and I had had enough, we both happily finished others ways. Over the past 3 weeks Mark invited me over many nights to "play Xbox". The first week we fooled around than the last too weeks we just cuddled. He has looked me in the eyes multiple nights and told me "I'm so glad you came over tonight". Last week Mark started telling me about all the guys he has invited over off Grindr and fucked. He still invites me over to cuddle with him all night, even sometimes after he fucked someone that night. I still come over when he asks because I enjoy cuddling with him so much. We had a talk the second last night we fooled around week one about being honest with each other and that we really liked each other. We talk all the time and phone each other and I still sleep over a lot to cuddle, he told me " we would make the best asexual couple. And " we could get married but not in a sexual way". I get super jealous when he talks about Grindr guys. Tonight I walked in on his room by mistake and saw him lying in bed with some guy from Grindr he had talked about earlier. They weren't doing anything so it was fine, said hi and everything, but I felt so mad and hurt at the sad time. I really like him. Are my feelings just? What's your guys opinion on the whole thing?( sorry it kind of long, little bit of a rant :/ )

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