2015. október 10., szombat

I'm in love with my best guy friend, never before having an attraction to a guy and I am confused.

Hey all,I have, what I feel is a popular story and issue but with a strange twist. I think I am in love with my best friend.We've known each other for 4 years and have been very close friends in high school and we still are after graduation. I've never felt an attraction to man like this in my life, Ive only had relationships and sex with women so I feel very confused. I read a lot online about falling in-love, infatuation, lust, etc and I'm still very confident I'm in love. I love everything he does, everything about him, his flaws (especially his flaws they're adorable). Oh and his eyes. I could look into his glistening blue eyes for eons if that was possible. The way he gets really excited telling a story or is talking about his goals, and the things he loves. His adorable, wide smile melts my heart... It all sounds really cheesy and cliche but I am in love with him. I have a little bit of suspicion that he's feeling that same, because on numerous occasions we've been talking about random things; and we'll eventually get to a point in the conversation where something funny is said for example, and we'll drift off locking eye contact for up to 14 seconds one time while smiling at each other. Also we touch eachother a lot jokingly, almost flirting basically. We spend a lot of time together hanging out, for example we've been together for the past 2 weeks straight (at his house) excluding work, and it's just going. I see us together in the future in my mind, whether it be a relationship or living together for career reasons but I'm not going to jump the gun on the situation here. I will never tell him how I feel or let it on unless he does or something happens, but until then lips are sealed, and I move on. I have this really cute girl Ive been dating/getting to know recently but I keep getting distracted by my friend, so I don't see it going anywhere. My friend isn't dating anyone right now either, and hasn't for a while which is another reason I am suspicious. I could honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him, I love him to bits and I am trying not to get too in love with him. Love is a poison sometimes. I could not ever on this planet risk the chance of losing our friendship, and the close bond we have so I am never going to let it loose unless the opportunity was literally perfect.Lock my heart and throw away the key.I really wanted to vent and I am sorry if some of you--any of you, got offended, or off-put by my post.Thanks for listenting, xoanonedit: formatting zzzz

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