2015. október 27., kedd

Should I transfer schools for this guy?

So I met this guy online a few months ago, almost a year ago. We really connected, and have Skyped a few times, and we really like each other. We were really good friends, and now we're in a relationship.The thing is, he's in the Midwest, and I'm on the West Coast. He's going to a small college near him next year that's out of state that he can afford that's not too expensive. I'm considering transferring as well, not only because he's going there, but because the school I'm attending O.O.S. is really expensive. I'll have to eventually take out loans to attend, where as at this school I wouldn't.I'm really ambivalent. I really, really, really like it out here west. I'm not sure I'll like it out in the Midwest. However, it's expensive to stay here, and I haven't really had luck meeting any guys my age out here before we got into a relationship, so I also feel like if I don't take this opportunity it wont be for another couple of months before I finally meet another guy I connect with.My options are keep the friends I have and stay at the school I'm at, thus taking out loans, transferring to a less expensive school here on the west coast and start over, or transfer to the same school he's going to. IDK, I want opinions.Thanks to all responses!P.S. I wouldn't be considering the Transfer but I really, really like and connect with this guy :/ And im scared I might regret not taking the opportunity because it's significantly harder to find a partner you connect with gay dating.

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