2015. október 29., csütörtök

What to do?

Short story:With the start of the college year new students entered my fraternity. Shortly before summer vacation I came out, and I have decided pretty quickly to be open about it; also with new people I have met.One guy caught my eye, and after some conversation we got to the topic sexuality. He told me he didn't know his for sure (asexual was his answer at the time), to which I asked him in my carelessness (beer was present) what he masturbates to. I'm not sure where he decided to cut me off, but ever since he rather avoids me and he has even told his friends about the awkward situation.Partly because he may be closeted and because of my personal agenda (I like him), I'm having a hard time letting go. Currently he is telling other people he is straight, probably because he doesn't want to talk about it (or he really is straight, but I'll never know for sure).How do handle this situation?

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