2015. október 10., szombat

Help a maybe bi guy with some advice/your take? Confused.

First, I apologize if this is the wrong place for this post, and I appreciate any thought or input anyone provides. I'm asking in the interests of having successful future relationships no matter who they are with, and am genuinely struggling with this issue. If this is a bad place for this, let me know and I'll pull the post.I'm struggling through some bisexual confusion and am looking for help. I'm not sure if I might be bi or not, and whether or not to act on it. Here's the background:Hetero relationships: I am physically and emotionally attracted to women. Had several long-term relationships, including a marriage (now over). Sexually successful and enjoyable. In one, there was a threesome (failed), and in the second, there was a notion that we might be open and she encouraged me to experiment (but shamed and attacked when I started to make moves to do so).Homosexual relationships: I have never been particularly attracted to men physically, and never had emotional or romantic feelings for another man. Sexually, I have been curious about specific acts I've seen in porn, and tried experimenting three or four times - each was unsatisfying and weird, and I couldn't get off and felt awful and confused after each.Other factors: I have been a porn user for over 12 years, and have always been drawn to specific sex acts. In many, I find myself identifying with the girl more than the man. I also generally think that I have been/am addicted to porn, which has been shown to encourage an escalation of novelty/kink over time, so that may also be involved here.After years, and the aforementioned faux-open relationship, I am curious again. There's a desire to try it out, but I am having a hard time figuring out if it's a genuine curiosity, something weird going on from the end of the marriage and the complicated sexual stuff that went along with the open relationship, or a porn-induced fantasy. Or if it might even be a fetish that I hold but shouldn't actually act out - strictly fantasy and fun to think about but not to experience.Thoughts? I'm trying to recover from this divorce and everything, but am afraid to start thinking about a new relationship with this fundamental issue unresolved.I also am curious about thoughts on this, as gay men. Is this kind of potential fetishization a problem in the gay community? Is it some kind of weird twist on homophobia or some other psychological complex? And how downright offensive is it to people who know for certain that they're gay?

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