2015. október 15., csütörtök

Guy unsure how to 'join' the community.

Hi there, um, not sure how to do this post but here goes:I'm 23, I am gay and have known for at least 7 years, however I've only had one real 'experience' (bumped into a friend of a friend I knew was gay at a party, came out to him, received an incredibly awkward blowjob I was completely unprepared for, that was it) 4 years ago. My problem is a stunning lack of confidence. I live in Glasgow, Scotland and after coming out a few months back have finally decided to join the community and I am unsure what to do, I guess my best bet is to go to the gay club here (Polo) however I'm even unsure how to go about that. Is it normal for a guy to go to a club solo? Is it easy to start talking to other people? I mean I've went to other clubs regularly but I've never went out solo to anywhere and pretty much... I'm scared, I know there will be alot of you saying 'just go!' but I really need to put across my lack of confidence here, don't think I'm a shut-in, I go out frequently with friends but those are 'normal' nights out with 'guys' where I'm just standing awkwardly.I don't really know what the point of this post is. I guess I simply want to ask this; how do you take your first steps into the community? I'm very lost on what to do. I'm not even looking to 'get' with someone, I just want my first night out to go okay and join the community in a sense and feel a bit more at ease with myself.Thanks :)

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