2015. október 4., vasárnap

Advice for bi guy dating gay guy

Hi, I have an upcoming date with a gay guy, and I'm bisexual, and never gotten physical with a man before. So I'm looking for some advice on how to handle things.First - if you were in this kind of situation, as a gay man how would you want the bisexual guy to disclose his status? Should I say it before the date, during it, before any kissing/making out (if that happens), or wait until it looks like it might get sexual, or what?Second, should I tell him about my lack of experience, and if so when would be the best time? I am pretty sure he will figure it out if we actually go to bed, so I guess I should say it at some point. But I don't want to make a big deal out of it, especially since things might not to work out anyway.Details: he is bottom, I feel like I'm 80-100% top (can't tell for sure until I try, but that's what I think of when I imagine sex with a guy). He seems like he's into a bit more than just a hook up, and was keen to go on a date.I have some nerves because of the possible first time, that and he is smoking hot :D So any advice would be really appreciated!

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