2015. október 4., vasárnap

Am I wrong for being interested and having deep feelings ? Or am I being led on ?

Hey r/Gay - Jc here.I've been talking to this guy for a month now. This week has been the hardest. I've been heavily involved with my job, but he was unaware of what was going on. Anyways, I spoke to him one day and it was midday - after about 3pm no response, following day no response, and the same thing for the next 3 days. This triggered a wave of depression that I've managed to keep under control for a while. Working 20hrs a day for 4 days straight will get to you, especially with no sleep. In my mind I thought "he is bored of me. Why is he ignoring me. What did I do ?" Apparently he "dropped" his phone and it somewhat has a black-screen now because of the damage. But what throws me off is that throughout those days he was posting photos, accepted my snapchat request (I don't use snapchat, just downloaded it to see what my coworkers have been talking about), updated his location, and was writing back to people. I managed to get him to speak to me after I posted a 'passive aggressive' status. He claims to not have had a phone on him to be able to communicate, we only communicate on facebook - not even text messaging, and I know this sounds weird and I may sound stupid or crazy but how can he do all these things w/o his phone ? Especially since he drove out of state. (I want to believe that he used someone else's phone but I doubt that is true) My post related to how being ignored sucks and wished that I was able to forget about things quite easily like other people.And now I feel torn.I truly want to believe everything he told me. My brain is being too logical and nitpicking everything I was told.This guy has been the best thing that has happened to me since I've moved here to OKC. I really like him, but I feel there are things he isn't telling me and it is digging deep in my head and I can't stand imagining that he is hiding something important from me.He called me drunk one night at 0230 and told me half way into the phone call "I don't deserve you..." - I wondered why ? He replied, "Because you're too nice". The following day we wen't out to the theater and he avoided the question. Says he was too drunk to remember.I gave it a week to rest and settle.I brought it back up last week, but only after he noticed I was thinking too quietly (I tend to talk a lot). Again, the question was evaded and he seemed ashamed or embarrassed to answer.I hate feeling this way and especially about something I have little experience in. I've never felt like this about someone in my entire life of loving another person.These feelings are overwhelming me and I feel like approaching him about it.tl;dr - I am having a problem with a guy I've been talking to for a while now. I think he is lying about something and I think it might hurt my feelings. Should I approach him and ask him once and for all what's up ? I feel torn up about this whole situation.Any and all your advice will go a long way.Thank you.Jc

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