2015. október 5., hétfő

What happened to me?

I'm 22 and have always loved everything about women. I've had a weird few months where I'm pretty sure I found out my guy friend has feelings for me (I actually posted about it here earlier) and I can't help but think of him in a sexual way now. I've had a few fantasies about him and actually a few other guys as well. I talked to a friend last night about how I'm kind of more open towards gay people now and as we were talking about this we both noticed I'm more than open about gay guys... He looked really shocked lol. The both of us were shocked about how open I was being about this as I used to be kind of a homo phobe.Now I see women and they don't even really arouse me. I'll see their naked bodies and just think "wow, how weirdly shaped they are" with these 2 fat sacks hanging off their chest with big ass nipples. I'm even starting to kind of hate women, I see them as useless and may even be a little jealous of them? Why is this happening now??? Hate is a strong word, I'm not about to go commit acts of violence lol

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