2015. július 16., csütörtök

Help this gay couple drive across the country!

http://ift.tt/1gEsFay ^15 years ago, in third grade, I met Mary. We immediately became best friends, hanging out literally every single day. You would think after that long we would have grown annoyed of each other, but that never happened.In 2012, Mary and I had to part ways for a while because she joined the military. It was a rough time for the both of us, but we wrote letters, and talked on the phone as much as we could, so that made it a lot easier.She's visited home between now and then, but it wasn't enough.That's why, on June 15th, I made a surprise visit to see Mary. It was the perfect time because I was off for the summer. She was so surprised and happier than I could have ever expected.My first night there, we realized our true feelings for each other. We were in love and we have been for a while now.So, as a new gay couple in the world, we want to go on a vacation together. It's always been a dream of ours to drive across country. And that's exactly what we are going to try to do.We have a little bit of money for our trip, but not nearly enough. If you guys could help us in any way we would greatly appriciate it! Anything helps!If we get enough donations ($500), we will be posting pictures every day during our trip on this Facebook Page: http://ift.tt/1HBSdvE Name on fb is differentLove always,Maria & Mary

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