2015. július 12., vasárnap

Guy I'm Dating Reactivated OkCupid Account??!!

So I've been seeing this guy for over 3 months and him and i haven't been seeing anyone else. We both have been intimate about one month after dating. We are both shy guys and guess you could call us introverted. he is a chatter box when we are in person but outside of that we don't talk on the phone and send like 10 texts a day and a couple snapchats. I usually don't text much (unless im into someone then i look forward to texting them or hearing from them), which i dont feel is the case on his end he usually will take forever to respond like a whole day or reply like for 8 minutes then dissapear. He says hes a bad texter which i've notice when im with him as he rarely ever picks up his phone throughout the day. We usually see each other maybe 2 or 3 times a week due to our busy work schedules. Sometimes him or i will spend the night if our schedules aren't as busy also. We both met eachother on okcupid and each of us deactivated our accounts about a month after seeing each other. We still haven't talked about the whole boyfriend subject yet (i get nervous about bringing it). Recently one of my friends sent me a screenshot showing that he reactivated his account on okcupid and it says he "replies frequently." What do I do? I feel sick to my stomach I feel like maybe im boring him now? Maybe he feels i've been taking to long about the bf/exclusive talk? We are going to be seeing each other in 3 days, idk what to do. I understand he maybe just went on to look at something as he hasn't been on in 3 days (yes i had my friend look). Have any of you dealt with this problem? What was the outcome?

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