2015. július 9., csütörtök

Can you be gay and not know it?

Hi. I've alsways had a hidden femmy side when I was in high school. But, over the years, I just tried to fit in with my conservative family. To the point, that I had moved to Utah with some family that was close to me. And, later I even became Mormon. Some years later, I was married to a gal that was more Mormon than me, but, we fell in love. We even had on daughter. But, as time went on, she and her mom and sister just would just go off on how awful gay people are. Slowly as i was working and going to college, I was making new friends. But, I was always dealing with depression. Years later I had lost my testimony.Well, we divorced I tried to get into a relationship to gal I knew from years before, just to prove to my family and friends that I'm not gay. I even had friends at the the time of my divorce that asked me if I was gay.As time has gone by, my attraction to men has increased. I've even been with one guy. Oh, I also like to crossdress. So, I really feel gender fucked.Now, I feel like so stupid for having fallen for the lies of Mormonism. And, I stand up for LGBT people. Many of my Facebook friends are gay or Transgender.What is wrong with me?

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