2015. július 9., csütörtök

Bros, how to tell if he is just using you for sex?

The story today is I am currently dating a guy seventeen years older then me (please do not judge). We first met through a hookup app called Grindr, it was casual at first. As time carried on, we began to develop real feelings for each other as we were hooking up auite frequently. He also always invited me to his house for dinner, and was interested in me as a person and not just a booty call.Now I am beginning to have some doubts. FYI he works in the medical field so I know his schedule is quite busy, so I understand that he cannot spend alot of time. The time we do spend together consists of a brief chat, and then it leads to sex. He does text me once a day to ask how I am doing and I do the same, but I can't help but think that he is just using me for sex. We talked about whether keeping our relationship monogomous before or not, but he preferred it to be open but with limitations such as no anal sex (We are a gay couple), and I am fine with that.He always says he loves me but I feel that he doesn't really show it that much. He doesn't make any effort to spend time outside of his house together, but I have asked him out and he always said he is too busy. The things that witholds me from completely thinking that he has no real feelings for me and just using me for sex is that he has introduced me to his family (as a friend of course), he always shows me off to his friends (And introduces me as his boyfriend), and makes time to message me everyday even if we are away from each other.I really fell in love with him. I really do not want him to think I am clingy or possesive but I can't help but think he is just using me. I really want this relationship to work, but I feel like I am the only one who wants this to be a real relationship and not just a friends with benefits thing. I understand that he is employed and he has a busy schedule and doesn't get much sex.This is my first relationship ever, please give me some advice on what I should do! Also please state your opinion on if I should keep this going or not. We have only been official for a two months, is it normal to feel this way at first?

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