2015. július 11., szombat

Blood donation rant

So the company I work for does a quarterly blood drive. I haven't given blood since high school, and when I read the NBC article on how the FDA is lifting the lifetime ban, I figured I'd give it a go. I went in, they still had me on file. They told me they really needed my blood (O+). I went in the back of the blood bus, and we went through that 1977 question. Then the nurse asks me the exact date of my first time. I'm like, how the hell would I know? So I say something like "Back in the 90's." Thinking she should be asking me when my last encounter was (more than a year ago). Didn't matter. Still have a lifetime deferral.TL;DR Blood center really wanted my blood till they found out it had gay germs. Fuck those guys.

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