2017. augusztus 5., szombat

Should I just "let loose"?

While the idea of being with another man is very appealing to me, I've always been pretty guarded about the more traditional customs of the gay community (Basically hookup first. If you like each other afterwards then get together). I've always disliked this concept. I have some trust issues and just throwing my body at everyone and seeing what works wasn't something I wanted to do. I always wanted it to be "special", I guess. As stupid and fairytale-like as that sounds.But I'm in my mid 20s now. I haven't ever been in a relationship before. I haven't had sex. The only options locally are people looking to hookup. I'm running out of options, and time I think. I had this stupid idea in my head that eventually I'd find the "prince" who liked me for me. And I'd like him for him. And all that garbage that comes along with it.I guess what I'm asking is, should I just give in and start doing hookups? It seems to be the only way to get out there and get results. I'm not comfortable with giving so much of myself to a total stranger, but I don't see any other choice anymore.It's scary. That's all...

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