2017. augusztus 5., szombat

Is my friend gay!?

I'm 21, he's 22. I'm just gonna jump into why I think he's gay. I need opinions.He and I joke around, but he is always the one who would start gay jokes, and when I go along with them, he'd just stop. Keep in mind I'll take jokes too far. One time we were hanging out and I told him about a place we can go to just think about life, and he added, "then we kiss..." and shortly after or before hand he told me he had a bump on his dick and he tried showing me.He was in a two year relationship with this girl, and after they broke up, randomly, he texted me about being "sexually frustrated" and needing intimacy, not even sex, but intimate contact with someone. I tried joking that I'd hug him but I couldn't help more than that and then he denied the conversation later.He is very hard to hang out with and always makes excuses when he hangs out with others, not including me, and I call him out. Mind you it only upsets me because I'm always trying to hang with him. He's since claimed that he only hangs out with people one on one if it's a physical thing. He admitted to hooking up with his ex girlfriend and being physically involved with his best friend, that's a guy. When I offered to talk about it, he stopped responding, then denied it later when I brought it up.There was a time months ago where I joked that I had a song that fit our friendship, but we'd have to hold hands when I played it for him, and so the next time we hung out, I held his hand and I played it for him. It was a love song. After the song ended, he thanked me for holding his hand and joked as if he had a boner when getting out of my car. I assumed it was a joke til I started thinking of everything else he's done.We were at a party about a month ago, and ended up sleeping next to each other on the floor. I jokingly spooned him for a few seconds. Then moved my arm...and he turned to face me. We slept with our heads super close together, and I didn't mind, but I woke him up at one point and asked him if I should move, and he said no. He denied remembering anything when we texted about it later. The kicker is that I was awake at a point when our friends saw us and I heard them take pictures. It took a few days for me to ask about the pictures. They showed him but not me, which is weird to me.In general, I don't mind what he is, and I mean, if I were gay, I'd go for him. My concern is that I think it's affecting friendship with him. I've tried talking to him about it and he plays it off like a joke.Well he's always been hard to hang our with. So in the spring I offered that we hang out in May once school let out. He agreed and we made plans to go to this place where you pray and meditate etc. Well up until May when we hung out he refused to hang out, saying he was too busy, but he was perfectly able to make plans with other people. I told him I'd like to talk to him when we hang out in May. When we hung out he didn't really say much when I'd question the things he'd do. He said he thought I didn't want to hang out til May when we made our plans and I just told him that that made no sense since I was always asking him to hang out. I also told him I was kinda trying to hang out and wanted to just stop trying to be a closer friend to him and he did tell me he didn't want me to stop trying. (Since then he's still not willing to hangout and I've told him to just come to me if he wants to talk or hang out because I can't keep trying in such a friendship. I care a lot and am trying to resolve it) When we were at the reflection place, it was a church garden maze. I finished reflecting first and walked over to him and told him to take his time and I went to my car. When he was finally finished I went to meet him and gave him a hug...and when I went to let go he just kept hugging me so I put my hands back around him and waited until he let go. I didn't comment on it til recently and he's never answered me when I reference it he did the same thing when I hugged him goodbye that night. And he gets really close when we hug. Like he presses his face against mine. Again. I'm only recently realizing and adding all the signs up. We've both hooked up with ladies recently. He even blew me off and went out with some girl he met once before, and told me he doesn't like to hang out with people one on one. I dont understand anything ahIn the fall we'd watch survivor on TV on our own time, but we'd talk about it because it's something we have in common. He would rarely text me first but one day he asked if I'd seen the latest episode of ysurvivor, and I said no, and he insisted I watch it asap and text him as soon as I had seen it. It was the first and only time he ever insisted I watch it. I of course did watch it, and it was a major episode where two of the contestants cane out to each other as gay! I tried him that it was a good episode, and he tried putting attention on a girl in yet episode, claiming she looked exceptionally attractive that episode, but I know he wanted to spark conversation about the guys being gay.

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