2017. augusztus 26., szombat

Is this normal?

So, let me just start by saying, I've been single for a long time. I started seeing someone, and we've been talking for a few weeks and hung out a lot, and then it just came to a halt. He had some issues going on and did not even tell me or talk to me, kind of left me in the dark. I had to pry it out of him. Well, I realize I needed to give him his space and I did. And it made me incredibly anxious, nervous, worried, sad, confused, just a mix of emotions. See, I felt really good about this guy. I did! I really did. And it was nice to have something promising going on. I really enjoyed it. Well, I decided that enough was enough and I can't make him talk to me, so I had enough of it. I felt selfish for how I felt. I wanted to respect his wishes and I thought I was, but I started seeing he was hanging out with friends, he was on Grindr, but he couldn't even utter a word to me. I was furious. So I went out with some friends, had a blast, didn't even have him on my mind. I didn't want to think about it, and I wanted to enjoy myself. Well, one of my friends was waiting for a ride and who calls me? The guy I was seeing. I was floored. Obviously, it was very late and he was drunk. Saying he misses me, wants to see me, all of that. I held on to that. I left, went home, sent him a text about how I miss him and hope he's okay. We talk the following morning, he acts like it never happened. Still wants to not talk to me, won't tell me whats going on, none of it. I ask him, will I see you soon? Just to have it met back with a no. Going on to say he shouldn't have called me. Just completely shutting me out. I felt so disrespected, hurt, sad. I burst into tears. I cried, a lot, and it was so foolish because I had only seen him for a few weeks, but I just could not help how emotional this made me. It really, really hurt. It still does. I decided that this is not happening, I don't need this, and frankly, no one needs to make me feel this way. I talked to my friends, my mom, they all agreed. I don't deserve this crap. The question I have is though, was that a totally normal reaction? I just didn't understand what this guy did to me to make me like him so much to the point where I am in tears about him. I felt so weird about it. What's the consensus here? Does anyone have any kind of similar experience?

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