2017. augusztus 4., péntek

I think I figured something out, which is very important for Transsexuality in the West.

Lots of people, especially conservatives don't seem to really understand why some Transsexuals want to transition. Why can't they just be fine as "feminine guys"? Why do they have to be seen as Women? I think I figured something out about the core nature of the West and out attitude to sexuality. You see even now with tolerance of LGBT people in the West you can see something. I think at the core, at it's very core the West is sexually prude. And yes that has nothing to do with whether you are conservative, liberal or whatever. That is much older than that. It started about 200 years ago, when the term homosexuality first came into use and was later picked up by psychologists and turned into neat definitions.Look at the definitions we have relating to sexuality. It's all about the WHO. Homosexuality. WHO are you? A man. WHO do you want to do it with? Other men. Bisexuality? Both! Most people don't know this and get very confused, when they for example find out Alexander had a male lover. (d-does t-that m-m-mean he is g-gay???) For most of human history, in Antiquity, in muslim socities even today, It was not a matter of WHO you want to fuck, like today in the west it is. It was question about WHAT you want to do. WHAT gets you off, what positions do you want to do it in, top or bottom? This is getting very confusing to probably some modern people, but masculine men who took the position of the top were lumped in together with the rest of heterosexual men. They also often had wives. To someone who thinks that every gay act brands someone forever as gay and convinently puts him in the LGBT box, so that he can think of them as something seperate, this must be downright disturbing. Guess what kind of photographic proof you have to show to the Turkish Military to proof that you are "gay"? Let's just say it's not a question about WHO, but a question of WHAT.I don't think the following applies to every kind of Transsexual Person, but I believe it applies to at least some. Because if we only ever talk about the WHO and let it literally become a core identity of ourselves. Just look at how shocking it is to some guys to even think about doing something "gay", that isn't gay sex at all. Like just hugging another guy. Because again in the WEST it's not about WHAT you do, it's about WHO you want to do it with. But the WHO also applies to ourselves. WHO are you? It's really no wonder that some guys want to be seen as LITERAL REAL Women in a culture with such a repressed and prude view of sexuality. There are probably lots of stories about some boy who tells his family that he feels like a girl. In our weird cultural intepretation of this message to us, we immideatly jump to the conclusion that he is transsexual, because we only consider the WHO, not the WHAT.

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