2017. február 2., csütörtök

Is he interested? Advice please?

Hey guys, So I've been on two dates with this guy that I really like, I thought the dates went well, each lasting over 4 hours, constantly talking, laughing. Me being the cautious self I am haven't really made any physical moves on him, but we've hugged and kissed on the cheeks each night. Each night he said he would like to go meet up again. We haven't been inside each other's place yet or done anything serious.We started talking on tinder and have been ever since, I recently gave him my number but he hasn't done anything with it. I don't know his.I know I'm probably reading into it too much and what not, but wanted to get your opinion.What do you think, is he into me or not? Are we just going on 'dates' as friends?Thanks for your help guys.TL;DR I gave a guy my number after two dates I thought were successful and he hasn't used it but still using an app to message me. Is he interested?

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