2017. február 26., vasárnap

Took in a homeless lgbt kid, need advice

Here's some context about me. I'm gay and I'm a college student living in one of the residence halls. A few months ago, me and some friends found a kid sleeping out on a bench in the cold, so we took him in and let him sleep in one of the dorm's lounges. After that, we packed him a lunch and some notes on what to do in case he needs something, and had one of our friends drive him to school in the morning.After that encounter, we lost contact with him for a month. From his mannerisms and what he told us, we could tell that he was a gay kid running away from a toxic, abusive home environment. He didn't himself have a phone, and he never answered our messages on facebook, so we were obviously concerned for the next few months.Just tonight (sunday night), he came back to us. We had dinner with him in the campus cafeteria using a guest pass (each student is given a few of them), and decided that he would stay in my dorm since I don't have a roommate. His goal is to get to a 'nearby' city about 50 miles away, and take a bus to his lesbian aunt and figure things out from there.What should I do? I feel like we're in over our heads. We could probably find him a ride to the nearby city to send him on his way, or at least get him a cab, but what should be done in a situation like this?TL,DR: Gay kid runs away from home to our college. We can house him for a bit, but not long before people notice. He wants to go further away to live with a relative, and we're confused on how to get him there or even if we shouldEDIT: Nevermind. Friends called the cops, they're apparently taking him home.

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