2017. február 26., vasárnap

Just had my first time passive anal and I feel weird

Sub reddit, Im 18 y.o. and I have been hella bi curious for a while now. I have had an experience with a buddy of mine when I was like 13 and eversince I wanted it again.So now to my experience just a few minutes ago. Id consider myself handsome, since I go to the gym a lot and Im pretty well coceived by women/girls. Now since I was high as hell, wanted a new watch and bi curious I just thought to myself:Why not make money with it? So I set up an inseration on a craigslist type ish website without a pic of mine. Just said I wanted cash and its all safe and discrete.I had around 10 responses within 20 minutes and I just chose a random one. We decided to hit up for 30 minutes for 50 euros for a bj/hj in a nearby forest I have close to my house. I waited there for like 30 minutes at 6 on a Sunday. I guess if somebody saw me he had guessed that I was selling drugs or something like that. After 5 more minutes I was pissed and went home. Still really high.I decided to message the dude which I had been waiting for again. And because he only has a Pc and no smartphone we had no way to communicate other than him being home. Turned out he had been waiting at the other end of the forest for some reason. Now remember this part of this and just imagine this shit 3 times. Yes, he drove to the forest 3 times and I walked there 3 times, without finding each other because the dude doesnt know how to navigate.The 4th time finally worked. Since he had been driving a long time in the previous hours I agreed that he didnt had to pay. I had hit the mariana trench algea another two times at that point. Its 9 now and we managed, 3 hours later, to find each other with light signs. Since my eyes had adapted to the dark, I could barely see what he looked like, but I could see a little. Dude is 160cm tall, (Im 190), Dude is mid 40s and really. I mean I dont find men attractive and wouldnt even cosider kissing them or for relationships. But he is ugly. Not ugly, but ugly ugly. Like a 2/10. And he didnt smell nice. He smelled like smoke. But I thought fuck it, because I was really curious how anal felt like.So we went In the forest, talked like 30 seconds about how he grew up in this area, but everything changed so he wasnt able to navigate. Lol. As we had proceded deep enough in the forest he dropped his towel he had brought with him. And I dropped my panties. Dude did too and he was already really hard. I went into doggystyle position and he tried to insert. It didnt really work properly. I had lubed up my hole with coconut oil before at home for slip reasons. After some seconds he managed to get in me. It wasnt huge but it didnt feel small either. I felt something, similar to a sensation of ripping. Not sure if It was him, but it was hurting. I imagined it really nice, but I was a little dissapointed. Imagine a long soft stick made from rubber. Thats what it felt like. It didnt feel good. After like 3 minutes he came. After it he mentioned how he had a few week and always time. He packed his stuff and I got the hell out of this forest. Put on my shoes and walked like malcoms dad in the one episode of Malcom in the middle.I am home now. After 4 times. Im semi high and completely what the fucked. My ass hurts and Im hungry. I think next time I should choose somebody my age and someone I am comfortable with. I think It can be really pleasant then.TL;DR Tried to prostitute myself, wasted 4 hours, Ass hurts.EDIT: spelling

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