2017. február 2., csütörtök

Gay or bi? Sorry for the rant...

Ok this might just transform into a rant... So I am 16 and have for most of school been confused about my sexuality, but mainly now it has come to the forefront of my mind, troubling me quite a bit. So pretty much, I wish I could be wholeheartedly gay, but despite this, my anxiety ridden self always manage to implant this small seed of doubt that maybe it IS just a phase, or that what I feel for my best girl (space) friend is more than just friendship. But then again, I generally think that I find guys more attractive, and am sure that I have feelings for another friend (guy), so really i am either gay or bi, but most of the time I don't really want to be bi, in one way just because bi just doesn't really seem right for ME (fine for anyone else), like I wouldn't want to come out as bi or just be it in general at the moment. So I am just asking from that, do you guys have any advice or ideas on which I am?TLDR I am just confused about my sexuality and would like to know which I am...Sorry for the long post

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