2017. február 2., csütörtök

Any advice for a gay POC living in an openly hostile and prejudiced environment?

Alabama here, and attend UA. Good portion of the student community here is openly racist towards people of color, and openly abusive towards anyone that is LGBTQ. Not all students, and definitely not most. However, there's still a lot of students like that. Of course, the exceptions are celebrities (Music artists, reality TV stars, our football team) and people of color that "don't act like (insert negative stereotype here), like the rest of them do."There's a lot of good people, but the ones that are just that bad are unfortunately the most loud and abrasive. You should have seen what some of our students had to say on A-Day (It's basically a free sporting event, and a lot of people who otherwise don't care to pay for football tickets come to see the game).I don't really have the money or the resources to transfer, and I'm not too far from graduating. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to better handle or cope with these experiences, as they can be very emotionally exhausting at times.

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