2017. február 2., csütörtök

Some man on Grindr is trying to lure me to his home. What do I do?

There is a man on Grindr who keeps pretending to be young hot guys trying to get me to come to his house. The reason I know for sure, is because one time I DID go.He lives in an apartment, I rang the bell of the front gate. Nobody came, then when I was walking away some old guy looked over the balcony and said "you rang?" I ran away. Later, that person offered to come to my place, meet me in public, or asked me to come back.Different personalities have asked me to come to that address, or others have asked me to meet in public when they are the exact distance away. I know for sure they are fake when I ask them to take a picture of themselves holding a specific hand gesture. When they block me I know they are fake.What is this guy trying to do? Why is he trying to get me in public? Should I report him? I know where he lives.

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