2017. február 2., csütörtök

Crush on a Closeted Guy. Don't know what to do

So there is this boy in my class. We were never particularly close and before I was out he would often call me GAY and tell me to "come out already" and that "nobody will care" etc. But after I did he really warmed up to me and we got on well until he ended up coming out to me. Me being the amateur fresh out of the closet gay I was caught a bit off guard and didn't give him the exact support he needed. He deleted all his messages and made up some stupid excuse about why he said that and then we stopped talking. That entire school year he completely ignored me and honestly it didn't bother me.. We each had our own friends. He ended up blocking me on snapchat tho randomly which kinda pissed me off.Anyway fast forward two years later. A lot has happened. We were forced to sit together in a class. And surprisingly he started talking to me again. And he was still really awkward but he was one of the nicest people I know and I don't know why but I completely fell for him. It was torture and past experiences thought me to not be too clingy. Eventually he found out (courtesy of my friend) and he seemed to have completely freaked out. He blocked me on everything and completely disowned me. We haven't talked since. He also tends to speak very lowly of my to his friends and makes such a huge deal out of this like I did something to him or whatever...It drives me insane because firstly I still have some small feelings for him and because we have lots of mutual friends. He's also warming up to one of my best friends (probably in hopes to make her his beard) and it hurts me to see it. He tries to hang out with her and her friends (my friends too) a lot and it annoys me because things get extremely awkward when I'm there and it makes me feel like a total idiot because he makes it out as if I was the enemy. He also started acted obnoxiously "straight" and it's so cringey and I feel slightly sorry for him.I really don't know what to do. I understand different people have different situation at home and that he is obviously dealing with a lot of Internalised Homophobia. One part of me wants to find a way to help him and another to just completely cut him off - which is very hard because of how much our lives overlap.

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