2016. február 5., péntek

would this classify as rape?

ok I know for some, rape is a broad spectrum and some, well it isn't but anyways, I was staying with my boyfriend at the time not too long ago ( maybe a month or more) and I was in bed, and he wanted to...ya know.. do it. well I was tired and I told him no and he got on top me me and held me down and had sex with me. I couldn't move or get him off of me. I just sat there and let it happen. and because of said events, I honestly can't help it but climax from the stimulation. like I really have no control over it. I really didn't want to do it at all. and the next day I kinda brought it up and he said shut up you enjoyed it. which I didnt. I have made jokes in the past about him taking advantage of me and me liking it, so is it my fault? should I not let it bother me and just brush it off? I feel rather conflicted about it. or maybe like I'm over exaggerating.

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