2016. február 6., szombat

Thoughts of a Closeted Gay Introvert

I am not quite sure what I will write, but I will let my thoughts wander how ever they want, in the hope of someone being able to relateA brief introduction: I am a 17 year old male from Norway who likes writing, alt music, psychology, any form of cultural expression. And I am... scared? confused? lonely? I can't really select a proper word to describe what exactly I am experiencing. It does not come naturally to speak about or even write about my feelings to anyone I know because I don't want anyone to worry about me.I fully realized I was gay about a year ago, but I've always kind of known. I have told one friend. The past 4 months or so is where I have become more and more depressed (not diagnosed ) and anti-social, but I have still maintained a positive public facade. This has a lot to do with my realization of gay stereotypes and "fitting in".The way I see it, and the view people around my school, family and Norway in general, is that being gay means certain things. An extroverted, passionate person who loves social life and can get along with anyone. If i were this person, I would come out instantaneously. I feel like when I do, people will have expectations towards who I am.I am very introverted, I don't love being social. Um.. I am having a hard time figuring out how to explain all this. Ok.. I will use an example - a though I have had recently:My school has a GSA-club, which seems like a perfect way to broaden my horizons and come out and whatever. But I know how the people here are, and I am afraid I won't fit in because people will have expectations towards me when I'm "out". This is why i am afraid. If i find out I don't even feel comfortable in a freaking GSA, I might have an emotional breakdown, and loose all sense of self worth. This sounds dramatic, I know, but I don't really have the personal support system to help me through all this due to my introvertism.This was my best effort to explain what I am going through. If anything was unclear, please let me know and I will try to clarify.

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