2016. február 6., szombat

Problems with love, friends, and life

I'm not really sure how to type all my feelings but I'll give it a go.So for like 2.5 years I've had a crush on someone I consider a best friend. I'm in the closet and people around me are not that kind to gay people so of course I just stay where I am but anyways I never admitted or hinted to liking him at all during this time.Except for a little joke I did that resulted in me getting nudes but whatever :)Recently he got in a relationship and I absolutely hate it. I hate the girl to the highest fucking degree and I'm beginning to hate him now. Every time I see him he constantly blabbers on about the girl and tells me how much sex they have and how he loves her and my skin fucking boils.I feel like I just ignore him now and hate him but is that wrong? I'm confused on what to do because I've held this stupid hope that someday I would be with him. Maybe him being with her was a blessing in disguise as it showed me I was a complete idiot.And now I'm just afraid of after highschool. There's not that many gay people around who are like me. What I mean by that is that all the gay guys around me are all flamboyant and girly which in turn makes a lot of people in town not like the. This makes me unable to come out since I would be considered to be like them.So what should I do?

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