2016. február 1., hétfő

Not sure if I'm gay and in denial or have a mental disorder

I've never engaged in any homosexual acts and have always been attracted to woman. I've probably slept with over 100 women in college, but never really had solid group of guy friends, was more of a drifter and ice breaker for them. I would engage in pretty reckless behavior from 18-23 and cheated on my girlfriend at that time. I ended up engaging in stimulant abuse (Adderall) and pretty much started using it to get ahead and it skyrocketed an already high libido with my sexual partners. Looking back on photos of myself or videos, I do appear to have gay mannerisms, yet I don't find myself attracted to men although I have no problem saying they are good looking or not.I ended up being prescribed Adderall and went to law school, suffered from some pretty bad anxiety and depression, and fell into a toxic relationship with a former drug addict then never recovered (she is absolutely beautiful though). I was placed on Lexapro with my Adderall and I suddenly wasn't as nervous anymore and was able to stand up for myself in the relationship and handle my responsibilities. However, my libido is almost non-existent on this combination. I'm not sure if I've been on a toxic relationship for too long and was manipulated and don't realize it anymore, or I am battling denial of some sort.When I tried to come off the Lexapro over the summer, I lowered my Adderall dose all the way down to 10 mg (lowest in years) and I was like a crazy man again, looking to sleep around like crazy with any woman in sight. I'm not sure if I've been battling addiction and possible bipolar disorder through law school or denying who I really am for this long without realizing it. Anyone who has battled denial feel free to comment, thank you!

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