2016. február 3., szerda

More scared than ever in my life

Hi gay, I really need some help. Exactly 2 weeks ago, I had sex for the first time. (Im 15) The guy said he had never done it without protection, so I trusted him. I made the stupidest decision of my life. We did it without protection, both ways. I trusted him and I shouldn't have.So like I said we did it exactly two weeks ago. Today, I am miserable. I woke up not feeling that bad, we didn't have school today so I got to stay home all day. I was a little tired but other than that fine. Until about noon.I feel like shit. My head hurts astronomically. I'm really weak and its hard to walk. I'm not hungry. I'm shaking so much that I can hardly type this post. I'm burning up, I haven't been able to check my temp becuase I don't know where the thermometer is. My stomach is not hurting but I have diarrhea (sorry probably tmi). I don't need to puke at all.Seeing all these symptoms exactly two weeks after we did anything scares the hell out of me that I could possibly have HIV. What if I actually get a chronic condition at 15. I'm in my room crying my eyes out and I don't know what to do. I really can't get tested. It would be so hard and there isn't a testing center for miles. I'm probably going to ask for him to get tested so I can ensure I don't and that would be easiest. Plus if mine is not detectable yet, his would be. I also really hope my parents take me to a doctor and ask them to secretly test me. Problem with that is, they don't really belive in taking me to the doctor unless I broke something. They know I'm gay, but they deny it everyday, and it would be hell.I need your advice Reddit. I don't know what to do and i'm more scared than I have ever been. Is it just me being overly scared or is this legitimate to belive.

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