2016. február 6., szombat

I finally did it!

I'm a 19 year old gay male, and last weekend I finally decided to tell a couple of my really close friends that I was gay. I had tried, and tried to tell them numerous times, but every time I tried to tell them, my heart would start to pound out of my chest, and I would be consumed with anxiety. I finally got the courage to just say it, and the support they showed me was the best feeling I ever felt! For the first time in my life I finally felt like I could be myself. It felt amazing to tell them. We talked and I told them that I was really nervous about telling my mom, even though I was sure that she would be accepting.So flash forward to today. As I sat inside my dorm watching the snow fall, I made up my mind that I was going to tell my mom when she gets out of work. I asked her to pick me up from school so I could spend the weekend at home. As were about to pull down my street, my heart starts to pound even harder than he had when I told my friends. I said that I needed to tell her something, and that I was just going to come right out and say it... I'm gay! There was a small awkward silence, but as we pulled into the drive way, she took my hand, and told me how much she loved me, and that, that would never change no matter my sexuality. We talked, and we cried, and we held hands for almost two hours in the car. I could not have asked for a more supportive group of friends and family. All through high school I hid who I was deep down, afraid of being labeled the gay kid, and being made fun of, but I just couldn't handle pretending to be someone I wasn't anymore. The past week has been the happiest week of my life! I am slowly learning to try and not care so much about what people think about me. I still have to tell my brothers, and a few other friends and family members, but at the end of the day, my sexuality is no one's business but my own, and I am proud to be gay!

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