2016. február 2., kedd

Are you OK with your friends saying that?

WARNING: THIS IS KIND OF LONG!!I would say I am an out gay guy, I came out to almost all of my friends, whoever asked me in person. But there are always those few people I really don't feel like telling them even if it's to clear things especially the stupid stereotypes. I mean c'mon, if a gay guy is that "feminine" or "girl-to-be sometime in the future", I certainly have bigger balls than you, I came out and you're still gossiping me behind my back just because you don't have the balls to ask me! Like a month ago I came out to few of my friends when we were playing truth or dare, they didn't even have to guts to ask me "Are you gay?", instead they twisted the question to "Do you like girls or guys or both?", so gays bite, huh? And that question was actually asked by myself like literally, because I have very sharp instincts(scorpio maybe), they had the question at the tip of their tongues and they just couldn't spit it out. Anyway, so you know they said things like, "Don't worry, we're fine with that, it's not gonna change our friendship", "We're just curious" bla bla bla... So after the game, 4 of us were talking and others were doing their stuff( we had 9 people in that trip), one of 'em came and asked me, "So like this thing, if you had a bf, which one of you would be the girl?". I LITERALLY ROLLED MY EYES!!! And before he popped this question, I told him heads-up, if your question was if I liked you, the answer is NO, never have I ever! That caught him off guard, he was soooo nervous after I said that(probably because I was right about what he was going to ask) and then came the question above LOL. I mean like seriously, it is freaking 2016! Grow up people and educate yourselves a little. So then there are things like "omg, this is so gay!", "let us know when you find a b--, err, partner(?)", "how are you going to have kids?" and etc etc.I'm not being oversensitive and getting butthurt over every little thing like that because I am very comfortable with myself being gay and coming out. But it's those kind of people make me so tired till I just wanna shut my mouth and stay away from stupid questions. So do you have friends like that and what is/ are the question(s) you are really tired of?

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