2015. október 15., csütörtök

I've just ended my 1 year relationship, how to progress?

This is mostly just a vent to get comfort and perhaps a seek in advice on how do I progress from now on. This is going to be a wall of text, only read if you are interested.Some background. Me and my BF has been together for almost a year and 2 months now, things haven't been great last 2 months because of an incident that happened.We were a really happy couple back then, I would say that we are actually very compatible, we have a good amount of shared interest yet enough differences that complements each other.Things started to change one day and I put that blame on myself. I have a gaming addiction and my BF is not into gaming. He is also the kind of guy that requires substantial amount of attention otherwise he will start throwing tantrums. On that specific day, he just got back from a trip with his friends, eager to share stories with me; I was being a dick and was a bad mood since I've lost some games, he was giving me some attitude about not caring about him and I fought back and ignored him, continue my losing streak on League of Legends.The day after wasn't that great, we were both still angry and me, being a dick again threatened him to a break up if he can't understand that I need my private time to do my stuff, making a big hoo hah out of it. My BF got really hurt by it, he lost faith in me as I would actually suggest a break up over something this miniscule.Days after that was harsh but we have both good and bad days. I've realised that I'm no longer a top priority of his (He used to pamper me SO MUCH) and he's been secretive about his phone.My suspicion was right, I've just found out 2 days ago that he was indeed starting to see another guy shortly after that incident. I wasn't mad at him at all, I was so angry at myself for being bitchy, for giving him the attitude. He didn't go too far with that guy, he still has me in his heart, the furthest that he has went to (by far) was just movie and some kisses because deep down he still feels guilty that he's doing this.We've had the most mature conversation discussing what is going on and how do we continue on this. Via all these conversations, some with the guy he cheated on me with, I've realised that they have already bonded to a certain extent and it's already hard for him to think as if nothing has happened.It was hard for all 3 of us, I feel sorry for that guy, I feel sorry for my BF. He couldn't make decision, and I know from this year that we've been dating, he's never good at decision making.I realized that this guy that he cheated on is in a way very similar to me, in terms of physique, maturity & etc. It's almost as if he found some one similar to replace me. However through knowing this guy, I've also realized a few key points that I know for sure they won't work for long. They have minor language barrier, difference in Religion (The guy is Islamic) and the most sever part being he's a workoholic and that means he doesn't have the attentiveness that my BF requires.I know my BF hasn't see all these yet because that guy being so amazing, lending shoulder and giving him surprises totally raked him a lot of points (Points for looking similar to me too). Deep in my heart I hope my BF can be happy, but at a deeper level, I hope I can be the one that gives him that happiness.Hence, I've decided to step down so they can have it ago, betting on them figuring they are not good for each other and eventually part ways. I will be there to catch him when he falls and hopefully after this big wave in our relationship is going to be another solid foundation to help us grow.Problem is my BF is being decent now and have extreme guilt. He made up his mind that he doesn't deserve any of us and broke up with the two of us last night. After I told him I will step down, he immediately broke up with that guy too.It has been a fruitful year with him, and this has been my most memorable and open gay relationship compared to any of my exes. My parents are starting to be more accepting, we get blessings from both sides of friends and things were great. It is really hard for me to let go all of these as I know we might still have a chance and being in an Asian country, it's really hard to get a gay guy that's willing to commit openly like this.I've stopped texting him ever since I gave him my blessing, and I've forced myself to not reply to his good night message last night. It pains me but if this time and space is going to help giving us a second chance, I'm willing to do it.Have any of you guys had similar stories? I would really love honest opinion on how to progress with this/him.

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