2015. október 10., szombat

Is it possible for gays to be in an ordinary, boring, "normal", monogamous relationship?

I admit, I secretly crave this. I'm almost thirty. I have nesting instinct arising within, but I fear that my fellow fags are simply too volatile for the nice, stable, suburban existence I desire. All of the gays I encounter are filled with self-loathing, crying out desperately for love from an uncaring world, and cocooned in a protective shell of narcissism. I fear I'm not interesting enough for my fellow fags. I want to live in a nice neighborhood, with good schools, etc. I can't handle the emotional volatility of the average gay twenty-something anymore. Ever since my sister died in a horrific motorcycle crash, after being publicly shamed by the local news relating to an incident wherein her child suffered minor burns (the kid is fine now, btw, healed), I've found the volume on a lot of my animal, atavistic cravings for love and acceptance turned down. I still want these things, but I've been shocked into a kind of pensive stillness. I observe other humans, their neediness, their vanity, their hunger, but they inhabit a society in which I no longer want actively play a role. I celebrate the freedom of fags everywhere, and their right to put on wigs, and makeup, and scream about how fabulous they are, while on drugs-whatever drugs they need to make the pain go away. It's just, I've become indifferent to human suffering, and I only empathize with people who aren't screwed up. So my question is, are there normal fags, who aren't a.) snobby mean-girl types or b.) promiscuous drug-addled perverts who are destined to be eternal adolescents c.) sensitive queens still struggling with to reconcile their identity with their religious upbringing, blah, blah, blah?

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