2015. október 5., hétfő

I need your opinion

My ex and I reconnected a few months ago over text at his initiative. We had been broken up for 3 years and we shared an almost-3-year-long relationship. We broke up mostly (75%) because of the geographical distance between us.We finally met for coffee and he actually went to the party I was going to and I spent the night at his place. We texted very little in the following month and we met again a week ago. We had dinner, drinks and I spent the night at his place.I then told him in the folowing days that I really wanted to see him again, yada yada yada. He recently started a new job and has close to no time for himself. He told me that he needed to prioritize work over me and that he would actually think about us seeing each other again when he would have time but that he could not guarantee anything.While I understand his position, I also understand that this is pretty much a waste of time on my part and I decided to stop contacting him so I can actually disengage emotionnaly from this embryo of whatever that is.I just need to know if you think I overreacted. Or actually, any thoughts you could have to be honest. Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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