2015. október 16., péntek

I need advice... I am hating myself. (Sorry about grammer still to early)

So a months ago I met someone that cares about me very much. The only problem is that he he doesn't live close to me, infact on the other side of the country, met him through reddit. It was going great for a few month, but now he seems absent and doesnt text much, our only form of comunication other than skype. He says that he his stressed from work wants to be alone most of the time so i give him his space. I trust him a lot but worry he might be messing around with someone closer to him. He gave courage to move out of my parents house and we even had a plan for him to come here after next week. Now with him being like this im not sure if he still will come, every time i bring it up he stops texting me. I have thought about leaving him but then i would be back to where i started... alone. I really have been stressed out about, my new place, and living by myself. I dont know what i should do, i want to stay with him and trust him alot, its getting harder to deal with it. I have also been dealing with depression and anxiety, i keep talking to him about it and when i am able to talk to him it just washes away and everything is ok but seven of of ten times i am unable to get ahold of him or hes stressed out as well and doesnt want to talk. Which in return makes me feel worse about my self and want to give up altogether. I dont know what to do anymore....

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