2014. november 11., kedd

Finding other young professional gay guys? Not romantically, just friends.

Hey Gay Bros!So I'm a happily married gay guy (married to a guy) and we're generally super happy. I occasionally chat on Grindr and Scruff (my husband is aware and fine with it - this is not an issue) to meet new people and hopefully make new friends. This has worked a couple of times but some guys are looking for just sex (obviously not interested) and the vast majority of other guys aren't in the same place I am either intellectually, professionally, and in terms of being out. I don't mind talking to the occasional closet guy who wants to make friends but I really want to meet people who are at the same place I am.Obviously apps like Grindr aren't ideal for meeting professional people but the city I'm in doesn't have much in terms of gay groups for non-college folks. So does anyone have any suggestions? I'm in Edmonton if that helps at all.Thanks!

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