2018. április 3., kedd

I need some good advice on this.

Hello everyone! I haven't posted here before but now is really a time when I need some insight from more people like me. Today I found out that a guy I have liked for a while now actually likes me back. I'm really happy that it ended up this way but I'm also panicking because I'm a senior in high-school and I haven't told my family that I'm gay yet. I also have really low self-esteem and I don't really know if I can handle being in a relationship yet because of all the issues I see in myself.I really really want to date this guy but I feel like waiting til college to do so (we'll be going to the same college). I don't know if he's willing to wait that long for me so I don't know what to do.This guy is perfect and I really don't want to screw this up so any sort of advice would be extremely helpful!

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