2018. április 21., szombat

Favorite Things to do During Sex?

Hello all,I am happy to report that I have just recently become sexually active. I started doing it with a guy(25) I've known for about a month. I'm 21 and I'm really inexperienced. During sex, I tend to imitate what I see in porn. However, he's done some really hot stuff that I haven't seen in porn. Also, we don't do penetration; and we're verse. He likes to dominate a bit; and I let him, because it feels good to relinquish control.A lot of times, the stuff I try is a little awkward. I want to be able to surprise and pleasure him like he does to me. I've asked how to kiss on here before, and I was met with some good advice. I'm hoping y'all could share some of your wisdom in this area. I'm not sure if it violates any rules, but any advice regarding sexy-times would be greatly appreciated.TLDR: I'm hoping to learn how to be better at foreplay/sex. Any experiences, tips, ideas, or advice would be very helpful.Thanks again, all!

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