2018. március 25., vasárnap

The struggle is real

I recently joined this community event though I've been on Reddit for awhile. I have been struggling with coming out for so long. I recently saw the movie Love Simon and it inspired me to want to come out. My parents already know and a few close friends know but I want everyone to know so that I don't have to hide. I told my parents that I am want to come out and they are supportive but they told me that we have so much going on that they don't want me to do it now. I'm sick of hiding and it physically hurts to pretend anymore. I'm a junior in a Catholic high school and I have alot of friends who I know will support but I also have alot of friends who I know won't and idk how the school would react. Someone please give me some advice because I am very sad and I feel trapped.

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