2018. március 28., szerda

Advice: First time out in the UK - What do I do?

Heya! I hope you're all doing well.   So, let me break even with all of you. I'm a white male, 25, living in the UK, still got my V-card and I'm pretty gay. It's taken me a long while to reconcile this with myself but I'm there now. I'm in good shape, (hopefully) not un-attractive but sometimes a little awkward in person. Good for me right!   I"m not out yet, but I'm ready to do more. Go to clubs, learn more about myself, maybe lose my virginity, I dunno. Maybe that's an inexperienced view of it all. But I'm ready to try.   The problem is that I don't know what I'm doing. It would be nice to have this thread produce some 'first time' friendly club and bar recommendations, specifically in the UK. The UK is small enough that I could reasonably travel anywhere within England on the back of a recommendation alone. I looked up some places myself but they all seemed explicitly sexual (a bit much for me I think) or very exclusive (I'd be going alone ;_; ). I'm sure it's a much repeated subject, but any advice would be heeded and appreciated, if you'd like to offer it.   I hope that all makes sense. Thank you for reading!

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