2018. március 29., csütörtök

How to get over a crush on a straight girl?

16 year old bisexual girl here. So I’ve been hanging out with the girl I like a lot lately, and she is super sweet, kind and funny. The only thing is, she has made it pretty clear to me that she likes guys. She has spoken a few times about the boy she likes, and fuck it hurts.How do I get over her? I think this is the biggest crush I’ve ever had on a girl, and I think she is going to be really hard to get over. I mean, she is so gorgeous. And her blue eyes, and her soft little voice. And her....Ughhh, see what I mean? Honestly, I’m shattered.Also, I just really want to date a girl but I feel like I’m the only not-straight female at my school? Gosh this whole lgbt thing sucks.Xx

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