2018. március 27., kedd

Does anyone esle find it really annoying that Mike pence can't be mentioned without a sea of people going "he's gay" or making jokes about him being gay and acting as if he's definetely gay, despite the fact there isn't a shred of evidence to suggest he is?

https://ift.tt/2Gek2ke reading this thread, and a hell of a lot of the comments are straight liberals circle jerking over "he's gay lol"this happens to literally every politician that is homophobic, "must be gay" they say as if the concept of heterosexuals that are homophobic elludes them or something. i find it sick, the fact that this is done to literally every homophobic politician is victim blaming us for the bigotry against us, try and get a straight liberal to acknowledge that pence is a bigoted straight guy, it's basically impossible. they never say "he must be straight" about homophobic politicians, it's fucked in the head

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