2018. március 31., szombat

My first sex story

So this happens when I was 14 and it was ages ago but it happen when I was at France on a school trip So on the day we got there late because our bus was allow to level the state if it was broken and guess what it braked.We got their late and it was dark but we were assigned into groups of four in my group was josh,Ethan,Dylan and me (note this isn't there real names) so then after that we have showers Now I am a psychopath I am not like the ones from Hollywood film but I don't care about anything and I don't love or feel embarrass when I should and after shower we go to bed and I can't get to sleep so I am bord so then I play with my self well thinking about what my next move should be on this game ( I don't feel love )Anyways the others waked up and that herd me playing with my self but I don't care so I keep on doing it and everyone was like ooo but nothing happen till the next night.On the next night 2 of the kids was a bit persistent with use getting to sleep and I know if the level of persistent is = to something big is gonner happen so I pretend to sleep and I am a great pretender so that through I was but I guess I inspired them into dry humping becuse that propley wouldn't of done it if I didn't make them hockey the first night so I pretend to wake up and go the bathroom with made them spring to life and that tryed to get in they bed but that didn't clime fast anoth +I could all ready tell what that were doing.I then say look I don't care if ur humping I just goner go the bathroom to pee so I went and didn't pee instead i waited then I went back to bed a couple sec later I asked if I could join in that was my plan because even know I don't feel love I still feel a huge hunger for sex and I don't care what kind.So that said yes and I did and the I minipulated them into striping I did the same then I went to Ethan and then I fucked josh fucked him and then me a josh fucked hard then he mornd loud anoth to wake up dylan and I run to the darkest place in the room and the others followed we then continued to what we were doing when Dylan went to sleep and that's it.

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