2018. március 30., péntek

Grindr gone, Gone, and Away

I'm pretty sad right now. I downloaded Grindr a few days ago and so far have been met with either indifference or creepy, old men. A little disheartening, but it is Grindr so it is to be expected.As young men so often do, I decided to check the app during a break I had at work. Another creepy old guy (who looked quite grungy in his photo) messaged me, asking to fuck. Charming. Just when I deleted his unwelcome message, I get another message from a guy. A young guy-a guy my age; one year older actually. Only about 4,000 feet away too. We're going to call him K for confidentiality reasons (and even then, the name he gave me may not even be real).I thought he looked quite decent upon seeing his profile picture, so I indulged him. After the introductory "how are yous," we bonded over the recurring assault of creepy men (the kind who look scary, like they would be murder suspects). Giggles here and there, and that's when K introduced himself; my introduction came after despite being sent at the same time. Next was a double "Nice to meet you," which had us both lol-ing due to similar mindsets.Some conversation ensured and following that, K sent a myriad of pictures of himself which sold me. Tall (6'2!), handsome, brown hair and eyes-and they were all taken from different angles, which imo did him much better justice than his profile. I don't think he was a catfish because he had a myriad of pictures of himself-too many for a catfish to go to the trouble of supplying, imo. Picture a cross between Finn Hudson (any Glee fans?) and Simon from Love, Simon.Yeah.That's what he looked like.And you know how people have angles? He definitely does. I returned the favor in order to paint a similarly full picture of myself, smiling with glee while doing so but also nervous of rejection. We've all been down this road before, baring our souls only for the recipient to change their mind after a deeper inspection.I guess I passed that step because immediately after came the "naughty" photos. Seeing as how I had just downloaded the app, I had nothing to exchange in return. I told him I would be able to send something after work though.As I sent that, I was excited for a myriad of reasons. One was that such a handsome guy noticed and appreciated me physically-say what you want, but acknowledgement is such an appreciated and powerful feeling. Especially when you're a person of color on these dating apps (particularly Grindr). Second, I get someone like that on Grindr? Of all places? Third, because of our exchanges before the photos, I assumed this relationship may be meaningful besides just well, hooking up. Even if we just ended up as friends, I would be okay with that (an interesting way to start a friendship though). I could possibly delete the app as soon as I downloaded it.So I waited. And waited. I saw that he hadn't been on for two hours. Then three. Then seven. I thought, "Well maybe he's busy-people have lives." Something could have come up. Maybe he was out with family, possibly taking an extended nap, working himself, in school, annoyed from unwanted suitors on Grindr-reasons upon reasons. No matter what I thought, his online presence still remained the same-nonexistent.Then I thought, maybe it was because I hadn't sent my photos yet. Naturally, I worked out before taking the photos and then sent them-but still, nothing. And it was at this point, I noticed something peculiar-his profile information was gone. And despite the fact that I "Favorited" him, he didn't come up on my favorites tab. Worried, I looked up on online for symptoms of deleted Grindr accounts or what it was like to be blocked. I found out that I certainly wasn't blocked, but it seemed he deleted the app and his account :(All before I had a chance to cement things, like with a phone number, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. And that's where I currently find myself now. A seemingly great guy, gone. And I have no way of ever finding him, really. I'll also never know the reason why he deleted-which could be numerous.Anyway, I just wanted to share. And maybe, K, if you read this, you could message me? A la Love, Simon (jk, I know we live in a harsh reality)?Has this happened to anyone else?TLDR; Met a hot guy on Grindr, started to (potentially) form a relationship, only for him to delete the app on the same day.

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