2018. február 19., hétfő

Should I cut bait or stay the course.

Iv been talking to a guy for about a month. We gotten coffee,we spoke for like 4 hrs. few days later went to dinner and few days after that have a movie night. We both discussed that we want to things slow. We talked everyday and we had plans for last Saturday and friday morning he cancelled saying he’s coming down with something. Now I dont want to sound like hes done with me. But I told him it’s cool no worries we ll hang out another night, and if u need anything let me know. That was like at noon with no responce from him. So at 7pm I texted him asking what’s up? And he never responded. The next morning he finally got back to me saying he slept all day. I responded and once again takes him 8 hrs to respond. He’s always be slow responded but this last 10’days it’s been more more longer. His text are a few sentences and he always asks A question so I guess that good. But if he want to get to know me shouldn’t he make more of a effort? He could actually be sick but I’m asking for advice or any opinions cause this app does help control my anxiety and to stop over thinking things. Thanks for any responces

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