2018. február 26., hétfő

Cant seem to have sex

So i am 20 and the only things I've done sexualy was to give blowjob (twice) and Thats all. And that too was a while back. Now i have met a great online and he is the perfect guy to loose my virginity with, but i feel like i will chicken out of it.. Its literally like the the 20th time i am doing this, plans to meet up with Someone and cancel on them last minute.Now, i prefer to loose my virginity with someone i am dating. But considering where i live, that wont happen untill for another 6 or 7 years at the earlierst ( when i move to another country)Idk what to do. Should i just go through with it or wait like 6/7 and maybe even 10 yrs to do it with someone i love.. Advice would be nice

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