2018. február 24., szombat

help please!!!

So im gay and i have very homophobic parents who are very religious.I know that coming out isn't an option since they're so religious and would never disrespect their traditions. im currently going to high school so i have a lot of time to think about this and it isn't something urgent but still its a big problem. My best friend who i have known for more than 10years fully supports me and i came out to him about 3months ago while another close friend supports me too which is great but the problem is that my family doesnt. I live in Europe in a country where theres no death penalties for this but everyone over 30is homophobic but at least the younger generations aren't. What im trying to say is that I'm not depressed and this isn't destroying my life at all since it could be way worse but i still do have a big problem with them being homophobic and idk what should i do. My life plan is to move to the United States where i'll marry a man and be myself and where people will accept me but after i thought about this i understood that it isnt so easy to say oh i will leave my entire family behind and move to another country while hiding a crap ton of details about my life from them so i thought maybe after i get financially stable i can bring my parents over there? but then i understood I'd have a problem with hiding my relationships and with them constantly asking me when am i going to get a girlfriend so that plan is not so smart although even if I was straight i would want to move to the us since i really like everything about it so my ideal plan of solving this issue of coming out to them would have to include solving dditional issues of moving to another country. Its really complicated and i dont know what the fuck am i supposed to do???? i dont want to break their heart by coming out since they love me so much and we have a great relationship but this is really bugging me. I know yall are about to say how do they love you if they wouldn't accept the fact that ur gay? well that's not because they are crazy and hate gays for no reason and want to kill them etc its because they are religious and because their religion says being gay is a sin. i investigated their beliefs on gay ppl a lot and they dont believe in conversion therapy and exorcisms and that bullshit but they think that its a very big sin and that its a "choice" and that the person might not understand that it's a choice but after "talking to god and seeking spiritual heeling they would understand they made a bad choice" i was so fucking pissed because of the fact that religion brainwashed them into believing into all this crazy stuff but at least they dont think gays deserve to die or some crazy bs like that so i just went to my room and cried but i got over it after some time,im not sad and this isnt something huge but i know that my life would be way better if i solved this issue. so know im like what should i do? maybe there's a way that i could change their beliefs? but thats really hard since they are very religious and my entire family is so i would stand no chance at that. I think that if i came out they would be really sad and would try to "help" me but they just would not understand that it isnt a goddamn choice!!!!!!!!!! can you please give me advice on what to do i would be really thankful❤ (btw English isnt my native language so sry if i made some mistakes)

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