2018. február 27., kedd

Mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.) and dating?

If you're familiar with panic attacks, you know how decidedly un-fun they are. Last night, I suffered probably the most intense, scary, pretty-sure-I'm-gonna-die panic attack I've ever had in my 30 years of life. I was at work when it happened (a job I effectively quit when I left the building). I called my boyfriend Wayne, who picked me up and took me home.I've been seeing Wayne since late November, but we only officially became a couple about a month ago. Being that we've only been together for a small amount of time, the last thing I wanted was for him to see me the way I was last night: a sweaty, blubbering, hyperventilating, disheveled mess. This is someone I've started developing real feelings for and after knowing him just barely three months, he's already seen me at my absolute worst.We've texted at our usual times since last night, but I'm terrified to look him in the eye again. I felt so guilty. I pulled him away from his family and made him drive half an hour away to rescue me. I felt like I'd freaked him out and like he'd never want to see me again. Mind you, these are all thoughts I'd cooked up in my own mind and don't have a ton of basis in reality. In fact, he told me to stop apologizing, that it was fine, that everything would be okay. He was amazing. But still. I don't know how to handle it after the fact. Do I even acknowledge that it happened? Do I just forget about it and never mention it again?Also, what have been your experiences dating someone with a mental illness, or being someone with a mental illness in a relationship?

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