2018. február 25., vasárnap

Outing someone in the closet (or bi)? Why??

I am not trying to be homophobic or sound like I have internalized misogyny. I was in a relationship with a guy from December of last year, until September of this year. He was the only guy I have ever had sex with, and one of 4 guys I have ever messed around with in my life.About 2 years ago, I messed around with a guy from Grindr, and he wasn't really what I expected, so after I met him the first time, I never really tried to reach out or hang out with him again. After about a week, he somehow found me on Facebook and messaged my mom, my cousins I have marked on facebook, my girlfriend at the time,someone I randomly added with the same name as me, and several other family/friends, saying that he and I made plans to elope, all kinds of crazy shit.Now fast forward to today, and the same thing happens. A guy i knew from high school had catfished me on Grindr, (he is gay) and once I found out it was him, I kindly told him I wasn't interested. I had sent him explicit photos of myself, and he kept posting them into the comments of my statuses on Facebook, and then message me threatening to send them to my mom and family if I wouldn't message him back or blocked him. He will sometimes post things at 3-4 in the morning , knowing I won't see until I wake up and at that point they have already been there several hours.I have now finally blocked him last night, not sure if he has messaged my mom or anything yet. I have never been rude to him, I never lead him on, but I am now very hesitant to mess around with any gay guys because they all seem to be very very vindictive, two faced and sometimes take enjoyment out of fucking with people and ruining their lives. Why is this? Is if because they feel insecure in themselves and try to bring people down? Or do they just hate people who aren't out? Because most guys, outside of the one I was serious with, get SO angry when they find out I am attracted to women as well, and have primarily been with women. And I don't know if they do this because I am bi, or they feel spurned or what ? It's so fucking FRUSTRATING that people could be so rude and vicious, especially to people who have the same struggle in common!!

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